Anna Abramzon Studio

Divya and Ricky's Big Fat Indian Jewish Wedding

This is the story of Divya and Ricky -- two wine and music loving Google employees who got together thanks to the greatest pick up line of all time. Who said what to whom? Read on, friends. This is also the story...

The Tallented Edwards' Tropical Dream Wedding

Here is something you might not know. In my twenties I lived in Israel. In addition to meeting my hubby, having my first daugher, and painting my first ketubah in Jerusalem, I also had the absolute coolest art job in...

A Mondrian and Chagall Inspired Ketubah for Katie and Lauren

Meet Katie and Lauren.  These beautiful brides contacted me about a modern art inspired ketubah for their Maine wedding. The first step in coming up with ideas for a custom, hand painted ketubah is to get to know the couple. Lauren...

A New York in Las Vegas Themed Ketubah for Ben and Sarah

Ben and Sarah came to me with a unique request -- this Philadelphia couple wanted a ketubah based on the New York roller coaster in Las Vegas. There's a first time for everything! But there was a special reason this couple...

A Hindu Jewish Ketubah for Rebecca and Vinayaka

Meet Rebecca and Vinayaka. This beautiful couple wanted an interfaith ketubah that would honor and celebrate their respective backgrounds and religions: Jewish and Hindu.  Little did they know that I am fascinated with Indian culture and art and henna patterns are...

Good Bye, My Dear Babulya

Babulya, my earliest memories are of waking up in the tiny apartment in Kyiv to the smell of your cooking. As soon as my eyes would open I would run in to the kitchen to see you peeling potatoes, or...

Andra and Alex's Ethiopian Israeli California Ketubah

When Andra and Alex reached out to me about a custom ketubah for their upcoming wedding, I knew right away that their story was unlike any other.  Andra and Alex are both humanitarian workers who spend their life living and...

Carlos and Guen's Guatemala Inspired Jewish Ketubah

Guen and Carlos come from two beautiful and colorful backgrounds: Jewish and Guatemalan. They wanted to commission a custom, hand-painted ketubah that would celebrate both of their heritages. I love working on ketubahs with interfaith couples and creating art that...

Sarina and Jonathan's Colorful Travel Inspired Custom Ketubah

Meet Sarina and Jonathan.  I loved these guys from our first Zoom call. Like me, they had lived in Israel for years -- but unlike me, they lived in the Negev desert, one of my absolutely favorite parts of the...

Sara and Jonah's Farm Animal Ketubah

Meet Sara and Jonah.  Sara and Jonah are vegan and love farm animals. That’s why they got married on a scenic Maryland farm animal sanctuary, surrounded by all kinds of beautiful creatures. Sara and Jonah are both passionate about their compassion...

Celebrating 6 Years as a Full Time Artist

Six years ago I left a job I loved and set out to take my art from a side hustle to a career. Even though painting and drawing was all I wanted to do since about the age of three, it still took to my mid-30s to believe the dream was possible. The starving artist meme is engraved deep in our collective psyches, y’all!

Emily's Winding Road Tallit

Earlier this year a got a phone call that was the first of its kind. The caller, Emily, said she wanted a custom tallit painted just for her, which would be based on a painted plate she bought on a...

My Favorite Projects of 2022

I hope that like me, you are able to slow down this week and snuggle into the holidays. Whether this blog post finds you on a beach with a Margarita in hand, in a house full of laughing children, boisterous relatives and...

Tallit for Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah

  Bar Mitzvah Boy Sam wearing Mountain Landscape Tallit and matching kippah Are you preparing for a special Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah? I am there with you! My own daughter is about to become a Bat Mitzvah, so I...

Tallit for Girls

  Eva wearing the Whimsical Jerusalem Tallit A tallit, also known as a tallis, is a Jewish ritual prayer shawl. It is first worn on the occasion of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, when a Jewish child is formally welcomed...

Tallit for Women

  Mountain Tallit (left) and Whimsical Jerusalem Tallit (right) As a professional Judaica artist and as a woman, I create my tallit designs very much with the ladies in mind. Women, please don’t hesitate to check out my “wearable art”...

The Historical Origins of Ketubah Art and Aesthetics

What Is a Ketubah? The ancient definition of a ketubah is a Jewish marriage contract that lays down the financial obligations of the groom toward the bride. Legislated by Shimon ben Shetach in the 1st century BCE, it served to...

What is a Ketubah Text Fill-in?

Every ketubah in my boutique comes with your choice of ketubah texts. You can order your ketubah with the text blank or filled in.  What is a blank ketubah text?  If you order your ketubah text blank (without a fill-in),...

Marcie and Herman's Super Modern Custom Ketubah

Engagement photo by Kat Ambrose Photography There are two things I love in a commission: getting to know the couple and a project that pushes my artistic boundaries. With Marcie and Herman, I was lucky enough to get both those...

Celebrating 5 Years as a Full Time Artist

It’s that time of year. Flowers shyly peak out of new buds, trees don their green crowns, and the streets of Los Angeles smell intoxicatingly of Jasmine. For me, like for so many, spring is a time of renewed hope...

Bombs Falling on My Hometown

  Self Portrait in Soviet School Uniform, oil on canvas, 2003  Kiev is a beautiful city. That is what my grandmother tells me with tears in her eyes, every time it comes up. It is hilly and green, she says,...