Guess Who Came To Do a Tallit Photoshoot With Me?

Ten years ago, when we packed up and moved to Houston not knowing even one person, I couldn't have imagined the amazing community I would find there. One of the luckiest things that ever happened to me was meeting Kristi right after landing in Texas.

Kristi and I
We met at a playgroup when our daughters (then one and one and a half years old respectively) crawled to each other like magnets. I remember I had a really hard time getting Alma to leave Kristi's house that day -- and every day since.
Here they are ten years later!

Eva and Alma
Kristi and I ended up being attached at the hip for 6 years, juggling pregnancies and little kids, and collaborating on many jobs and volunteer projects. It was a running joke that we were Work Wives. Everyone in Houston knew that we were a package deal.

Until the day came for us both to leave Houston. Full disclosure, Kristi and her family left one day before us -- she refuses to be beaten at anything. After a very teary joint Going Away Party, they moved to Austin, we moved to the San Francisco area.
But, distance is no match for our teamwork and friendship!
So when Kristi and her daughters came for a post-vaccine celebration visit to Los Angeles, I put her right to work modeling for me! It should come as a surprise to no one that we happened to own matching dresses despite living in different states.
Here are some fun behind-the-scenes shots of out Tallit Photoshoot:

As always when Kristi is involved, everything was quick, smooth, organized, and I never had to ask for anything because Kristi was always one step ahead of me.

Please come back soon, Kristi! Or better yet, move to Los Angeles! One can dream, right?
Tallit Line is launching in ONE WEEK!!!
I am so excited to share the "real" photos with you. I will have a limited number of each design to start, so if you have your heart on some wearable art, make sure you are on The Collector's List to get first dibs.
You two are so beautiful on the inside and out! And the tallitot accentuate your mitzvahcentric personalities and kind hearts. I love you and your daughters and can’t wait to reunite soon, and maybe even model a tallit or two :)
Anna-you continue to amaze me! Each tallit that you have created is a genuine treasure. Mazel tov on the launch of your new product line.
Say hi to Kristi for me.
I love you, too!!!
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