Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit
Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit
Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit
Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit
Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit
Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit

Sunflowers Wearable Art Jewish Tallit

Regular price $367.00
Advice from a sunflower. Be bright sunny and positive. Know your roots. Spread seeds of happiness. Rise, shine and hold your head up high. Keep on growing. Even on the darkest days, stand tall and find the sunlight.
- Unknown

The painting behind this sunflower tallit is inspired by the beautiful sunflowers of Ukraine, where I was born. The quote on the back says "Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu," which means  "Peace will come upon us, yet" and is a quote from a beautiful song which is sung in both Hebrew and Arabic. 
A tallit, also known as a tallis, is a traditional prayer shawl with fringed corners worn during prayer. Many couples also choose to wear a tallit together under the chuppah when they get married, or to use a tallit as a chuppah cover. A tallit is also a traditional Bar or Bat Mitzvah heirloom gift and is often passed down for generations. 

I work on each and every piece myself in my studio in California, lovingly touching up all the details, carefully examining it and making sure it is absolutely perfect before I gently package it and send it to you. Your tallit arrive having been bathed in joy and positive energy, ready to celebrate.   

    • Petite size (approximately) 15 X 62 inches
    • Standard size ( approximately) 19 X 70 inches
    • Get a matching fine art Bar/Bat Mitzvah Certificate to commemorate this special moment 
    • Add a matching velvet kippah to complete your outfit

A portion of every sale of this tallit will be donated to Ukraine Trust Chain and their tireless effort to evacuate people from the most war torn areas in Ukraine. 

Your tallit comes with 4 kosher wool tzitzit (tied or untied, up to you) and a matching velvet tallit bag!

Learn how to tie your own tzitzit here


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