Anna Abramzon Studio

Tallit for Women

  Mountain Tallit (left) and Whimsical Jerusalem Tallit (right) As a professional Judaica artist and as a woman, I create my tallit designs very much with the ladies in mind. Women, please don’t hesitate to check out my “wearable art”...

The Historical Origins of Ketubah Art and Aesthetics

What Is a Ketubah? The ancient definition of a ketubah is a Jewish marriage contract that lays down the financial obligations of the groom toward the bride. Legislated by Shimon ben Shetach in the 1st century BCE, it served to...

What is a Ketubah Text Fill-in?

Every ketubah in my boutique comes with your choice of ketubah texts. You can order your ketubah with the text blank or filled in.  What is a blank ketubah text?  If you order your ketubah text blank (without a fill-in),...

Marcie and Herman's Super Modern Custom Ketubah

Engagement photo by Kat Ambrose Photography There are two things I love in a commission: getting to know the couple and a project that pushes my artistic boundaries. With Marcie and Herman, I was lucky enough to get both those...

Celebrating 5 Years as a Full Time Artist

It’s that time of year. Flowers shyly peak out of new buds, trees don their green crowns, and the streets of Los Angeles smell intoxicatingly of Jasmine. For me, like for so many, spring is a time of renewed hope...

Bombs Falling on My Hometown

  Self Portrait in Soviet School Uniform, oil on canvas, 2003  Kiev is a beautiful city. That is what my grandmother tells me with tears in her eyes, every time it comes up. It is hilly and green, she says,...

A New Painting for Reichman University and a Trip Down Memory Lane for Me

When I packed up my art degree and moved to Israel, bright eyed and bushy tailed at the age of 23, my tentative plan was to get a masters degree in art therapy. Luckily, I realized before diving too far...

Amy & Scott's Ketubah Expresses Their Love for Each Other and for Israel

Amy and Scott met on a blind date. It was two and a half months later, mid-bite into a Caprese Salad that Amy realized she had fallen in love with Scott. Little did she know that Scott knew he loved her...

Red White and New

Every story from my childhood has two different, and often opposite, versions when told by my parents. I have spent the last thirty years piecing them together, both in paintings and stories. That's why I was honored when a brilliant young...

How to Tie Your Own Tzitzit

When I decided I wanted to create my own line of tallitot, there was a big learning curve. One of the challenges was learning to tie on tzitzit. I have to confess -- it seemed really daunting. This is why I offer to tie them on for anyone who orders one of my tallitot. But that said, once you get the hang of it, tying tzitzit is actually really easy. Moreover, it is a mitzvah and can be a very meaningful experience! Here are 10 easy steps to help you tie your own tzitzit. 

Rosh Hashanah 5782 Collection Launching this week!

I am so excited to launch the Rosh Hashanah 5782 Collection this week! I worked round the clock the last month to develop a whole line of festive, new products for the holiday.  This Collection will include: challah covers challah...

Guess Who Came To Do a Tallit Photoshoot With Me?

Ten years ago, when we packed up and moved to Houston not knowing even one person, I couldn't have imagined the amazing community I would find there. One of the luckiest things that ever happened to me was meeting Kristi right after landing...

Tallitot are coming! Tallitot are coming!

I am so excited to share my latest product line! I have wanted to design a line of wearable art tallit for so long, someone pinch me.  By popular demand, this is a sneak peak of some of the designs...

Celebrating 4 Years as a Full Time Artist

Every year around this time I take a beat and think about what I have learned in the past year, where I am now, and where my business is heading.  I often think about my studio as my third child -- and this baby is not a toddler anymore! So where are we now?

Sneak Peak at the Upcoming Art Tallit Line!

I have dreamed of making a line of artistic Tallitot (Jewish Prayer Shawls) for almost as long as I have been painting ketubahs. As with my ketubah art, I love the idea of taking my contemporary artistic vision and "marrying" it with...

Allison and Andrew's Ketubah: A Marriage of Laughter and Love

There is nothing better than a couple with a sense of humor! I loved Allison and Andrew the moment I heard their completely unique and sentimental ketubah idea. Andrew, who is a veteran (thank you for your service, Andrew!) met Allison on Bumble....

Tim's Healing Journey

Another favorite project of this year is not a ketubah, but a truly one-of-a-kind painting that commemorated a meaningful journey. I met Tim what feels like a lifetime ago, when I lived in Israel and coordinated an art program for students...

Dahlya and Aaron: A 2020 Story 20 Years in the Making

Dahlya and Aaron have one of the best stories not only of 2020, but possibly of all my years working with couples. These two were college sweethearts, then lost touch for 20 years before permanently uniting their lives in… drumroll…...

Asya and Garry's Against the Odds 2020 Dream Wedding

Asya and Garry met thanks to their Big Fat Jewish Family. Garry's aunt and Asya's mom's best friend decided to play yentas and hook them up. They must really have a knack for this, because wow did that work out well! ...

How Will You Paint This Year?

My grandpa, Vilya, worked as an engineer in the Soviet Space Program, but he didn’t know how to fry an egg.  I found this out when I was five years old, and hungry. We were traveling on our own, without the women who fried our eggs and made our world go round.  A nuclear reactor had exploded about 100 kilometers from our home in Kiev, and my family was doing all they could to keep me safe from the fallout.

It's Time for New Art!

A full year in the making, the Intimate Moments Collection will feature colored pencil and graphite pieces on paper. A combination of figurative drawings and still life, the collection chronicles the many moments I have learned to notice and appreciate this year.